Monday, December 12, 2022

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【VMware 】【CentOS 7】VMware Tools(vmware-tools)のインストール | %レンタルサーバーを使いこなすサイト 



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It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. As per the suggestion of several posts on here, I've run vmware-config-tools. I have gone through the VMware manual, and I am sure that I have followed their requirements. I am still not sure the VMware tools are installed completely, since typing vmware-hgsclient in the guest OS terminal returns the error "command not found".

If you do see your shared folder then running this should mount your vmware shared folder to the folder you previously created:. Enable the systemd service with the command: sudo systemctl enable mnt-hgfs. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 3 years, 2 months ago. Active 12 months ago. Viewed 20k times. And added my folder. Any suggestions? Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.

First of all you need to create a folder where the mount should be pointed to. Improve this answer. Stan K Stan K 85 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. I tried this in Parrot OS, worked as it is a Debian, sudo less. It's named 'shared'. The second one is not displayed through file explorer.

How to remove it? It gives me 'permission denied' for removal even if I use sudo and -f. And it disappeared after restart.. Prerequisites: open-vm-tools version is at If that is not the case, start the service with: sudo systemctl start mnt-hgfs. Stephen Kitt k 40 40 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.

Chad Chad 41 3 3 bronze badges. I can confirm this solution worked like a charm. Stephen is a gentleman! Nickon I am glad that my answer was able to help you! Is the Stephen that are you talking about in your comment Stephen Kitt? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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  I created a blank VM, and compared the two vmx files. Not a great deal of help, unfortunately; Next Re: Anyone able to get Shared Folders working? 他のバージョンでも基本的に手順は一緒です。 ホスト:VMware vSphere ESXi Hypervisor; 仮想マシン:CentOS 7. VMware Tools のダウンロード手順 "Mount the image in read-write mode as root, as follows:". msgstr "" msgid "CentOS directory: ``centos/7/os/x86_64``" または、(VMware Fusion や "    


ゲスト CentOS 7 に VMware Toolsをインストール│システムガーディアン株式会社


I installed Redhat 7. In order to help you with your problem we need to know and understand what did you already try and what issues you expected. This procedure is described in Chapter 9. Please ensure that no network or host firewalls are blocking access to your Windows machine an you are using correct user credentials for the mount.

If you expect any issues please share the error messages or log excerpts you get when trying to mount the share. How to mount remote Windows shares. One question that comes to mind, which VMware product are we talking about?

For VMware Workstation on the machine that runs Windows you may look into sharing folders from the host operating system.

My test Env is Workstation You are using a semi-current version of RH, so I won't cover that old method. This tested under Red Hat Enterprise 7. No out side software was loaded. I did not see that problem tonight. Comments 8. I tried couple of options mentioned but didn't work. Thanks and regards, Srinivas Boppu. Community Member 20 points. Log in to join the conversation. Guru points. Dear Dr. Best regards, Joerg.

Akemi Yagi. This little CentOS wiki article may also help: How to mount remote Windows shares I recommend using autofs as described in section "Even-better method". Jan Gerrit Kootstra Community Leader. Hi Dr. Srinivas Boppu, One question that comes to mind, which VMware product are we talking about? Regards, Jan Gerrit. DB Community Member 20 points. Srinivas Boppu. Hi Jan, I was using ubuntu earlier in that I can do something like mentioned in the following link.

Hi Srinivas, So we are talking about VMware player. Could you tell is which version? Regards, Jan Gerrit Kootstra. Yes, it is VMware Workstation 15 Player. Verify that the tools are installed in Red hat - I think. Here are the common uses of Markdown. Learn more Close.

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